Cancellation Policy
Please submit any cancellation via e-mail to, or call on our business phone at +91 9840 746 534 (call between 9 am and 7 pm from Mon-Sat)
You may cancel your order anytime before we fulfill it, i.e. any time before your order is shipped from our end.
The time available to cancel an order once you place it depends on what time of the day you place your order and may vary from 1 hour to 24 hours.
Once an order is fulfilled you will receive a shipping confirmation email (with subject: Package Order # Shipped) from Soxco confirming the shipping details of your order. Order cancellation will only be accepted before you receive this Package Shipped email from soxco socks.
It is not advisable to cancel your orders once you place them. Kindly review your order twice before you place it.
Important note: reserves the right to cancel any orders without prior notice to the customer.
Return Policy accepts returns if you are not 100% satisfied with the product. In cases where there is a defect in the product or change in product from what was actually ordered, you may write to us within 7 days of receiving your order. We will replace and resend the products.